Masteryourself, historia de un viaje de aprendizaje

¿Qué es Masteryourself? Hemos tratado de resumir en 8 palabras lo que ha supuesto la aventura de un año que emprendimos junto a la team company Beta Projects. Este es un texto a la vez individual (fruto de mi visión personal y de mi experiencia en este proceso) y colectivo porque no sería posible sin …

El liderazgo, y la educación, necesitan combinar arte y humanidades con ciencia y tecnología

“A study of the educational background of leaders in 652 engineering companies in Silicon Valley, you would expect that they had a background in science, engineering and mathematics, yet … 40% had backgrounds in science and engineering, 60% had backgrounds in the arts and humanities.” Sir Ken Robinson aportó estos datos, quizás sorprendentes para muchos, …

Aprendizaje independiente y a lo largo de toda la vida

learning is something you do for yourself … today, the ability to learn on your own or from your peers has become really easy. I think this change is leading to a fundamental disruption in education. Independent and lifelong learning are really starting to peak – there is an inflection point coming around how people …