Models of leadership

Models of leadership

[Estoy participando en el Team Mastery Iberia organizado por la Universidad de Mondragón y Team Academy Finlandia; publicaré en los próximos meses textos correspondientes a ensayos y reflexiones que forman parte de nuestro trabajo como participantes en este programa. Este post se publicó originalmente aquí]

The second workshop of the Team Mastery Iberia (Arantzazu, 1-3 November 2012) was devoted to leadership. This is an initial analysis to define a typology of the different models of leadership according to the ways to lead the team, the sharing of goals and the relationships with the outside world

Destroying: charismatic leaders without empathy with their teams but able to mobilize them to attain objectives. However, the team is not empowered and goals are not shared. Finally this kind of leadership is destroying the opportunities to build high-performance (and sustainable) teams.

Invisible, silent: people focused in building teams and empowering members but looking only inside. Discrete characters that are mostly invisible for the outside world and with difficulties to connect and communicate with external agents.

Paradoxical, conflictive: strong classical leaders that are able to mobilize people inside the team and to share their goals. They use the outside world as an imaginary enemy to increase the power of the internal ties. It is paradoxical because they are able to attain goals and empower the team but producing conflicts with the outside world and, in this sense, compromising the long-term sustainability of the team.

Un-reflexive, anti-leader: tacit leaders that are able to mobilize and coordinate people for reflection and action. However at the same time they have an anti-leadership mindset that precludes them of being aware of the importance of the leadership. The consequence is that the team has not the vision of the need of some kind of leadership for governance and performance. When the initial leaders disappear the team usually is unable to govern the process of change.

Empowering: leadership shared by at least a part of the team. A recursive process where leading acts of one person empower the leading skills and actions of other members of the team. Collaboration and dialogue are essential and the rhythm of the team is pushed by the sequential and synchronic actions of different persons. This model creates a leading team open to the outside where everybody is connected to external partners and is supported by the internal team.

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