211. Casal G, M Fernández-Boan, N Fernández, J Freire & L Fernández (2020). Effect of commercial exploitation on the spatial structure and abundance of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in the subtidal beds of the Galician coast (NW- Spain) 239, 106753 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106753
210. Fernández-Vidal D, P Pita, J Freire & R Muiño (2020). Understanding Fishermen – Scientist Collaboration in Galician Small-Scale Fisheries (NW Spain): Validating a Methodological Toolbox Through a Process-Oriented Approach. En, Collaborative Research in Fisheries. Co-creating Knowledge for Fisheries Governance in Europe. MARE Publication, Series 22. Ed. Springer. P Holm, M Hadjimichael, S Linke & S Mackinson (eds.), pp. 61-84
209. Fernández-Vidal D & J Freire (2018). Reclamar las pesquerías. Guías de Ciencia Ciudadana, La Aventura de Aprender, A Lafuente & J Freire (coordinadores), 40 pp.
205. Pinaya WHD, P Pita, RB Souza, FJ Lobón-Cervia, J Freire & VJ Isaac (2018). The Catfish Fishing in the Amazon Floodplain Lakes. Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal 7(4): 555720
198. Pinaya WHD, FJ Lobón-Cervia, P Pita, R Buss de Souza, J Freire & VJ Isaac (2016). Multispecies Fisheries in the Lower Amazon River and Its Relationship with the Regional and Global Climate Variability. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157050.
196. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, J Freire, E. Ferrer-Jordá & NK Dulvy (2016). Global scombrid life history dataset. Ecology 97:809
194. Ouréns R, G Cambie & J Freire (2015). Characterizing the complexity of fleet dynamics for an effective fisheries management: The case of the Cíes Islands (NW Spain). Scientia Marina 79:453-464.
193. Pan M, R Ouréns, N Sánchez-Carnero & J Freire (2015). Length-weight relationships for 13 fish species from a coastal artisanal fishery at Cape Verde peninsula (Senegal). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31:1177-1179
192. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, J Freire & NK Dulvy (2015). Population declines of tuna and relatives depend of the speed of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20150322
191. González Herráiz I, AC Fariña, J Freire & JM Cancelo de la Torre (2015). Exploring long-term variability of Nephrops norvegicus landing per unit effort (LPUE) off North Galicia (NW Spain). Fisheries Research 165:121-126.
190. Ourens R, I Naya & J Freire (2015). Mismatch between biological, exploitation, and governance scales and ineffective management of sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fisheries in Galicia. Marine Policy 51:13-20.
187. Ouréns R, J Freire, JA Vilar & L Fernández (2014). Influence of habitat and population density on recruitment and spatial dynamics of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus: Implications for harvest refugia. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71:1064-1072
184. Pita P & J Freire (2014). The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management: evidence for a hidden near collapse of a coastal fish community of Galicia (NE Atlantic Ocean). Fisheries Management and Ecology 21: 454–469
182. Macho G, I Naya, J Freire, S Villasante & J Molares (2013). The Key Role of the Barefoot Fisheries advisors in the co-managed TURF system of Galicia (NW Spain). Ambio. A Journal of the Human Environment 42:1057-1069
181. Sánchez-Carnero N, R Ourens, M Pan & J Freire (2013). Desarrollo de una estrategia para la gestión sostenible y desarrollo comunitario de la pesquería artesanal de Yoff, Senegal. Monografías de la Universidad de A Coruña, 239 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9749-556-1
180. Ouréns R, L Fernández, M Fernández-Boán, I Naya & J Freire (2013). Reproductive dynamics of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus on the Galicia coast (NW Spain): effects of habitat and population density. Marine Biology 160:2413-2423
178. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, J Freire & NK Dulvy (2013). The Conservation and Management of Tunas and Their Relatives: Setting Life History Research Priorities. PLoS ONE 8(8):e70405
173. Ouréns R, L Flores, L Fernández & J Freire (2013). Habitat and density-dependent growth of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in Galicia (NW Spain). Journal of Sea Research 76:50-60.
172. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, J Freire & NK Dulvy (2013). Life history correlates of marine fisheries vulnerability: a review and a test with tuna and mackerel species. CIESM Workshop Monograph 45 [F. Briand ed.] Marine extinctions – patterns and processes, 188 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco. pp. 113-128
171. Cambiè G, R Muiño, T Mingozzi & J Freire (2013). From surface to mid-water: is the swordfish longline fishery «hitting rock bottom»? A case study in southern Italy. Fisheries Research 140:114-122.
170. Fernández-Boán M, J Freire, AM Parma, L Fernández & JM Orensanz (2013). Monitoring the fishing process in the sea urchin diving fishery of Galicia. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70):604-617
165. Ouréns R, L Fernández & J Freire (2012). Definition of a new, unbiased gonad index for aquatic invertebrates and fishes: its application to the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Aquatic Biology 17:145-152
164. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, J Freire & NK Dulvy (2012). Life in 3-D: Life history strategies in tunas, mackerels and bonitos. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 23:135-155
161. Fernández-Boán M, L Fernández & J Freire (2012). History and management strategies of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus fishery in Galicia (NW Spain). Ocean & Coastal Management 69:265-272.
156. Cambiè G, R Ouréns, S Carabel, D Fernández-Vidal & J Freire (2012). Economic performance of coastal fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain): case study of the Cíes Islands. Aquatic Living Resources 25:195-204
155. Cambiè G, R Muiño, J Freire & T Mingozzi (2012). Effects of small (13/0) circle hooks on loggerhead turtle bycatch in a small-scale, Italian pelagic longline fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88:719-730
144. Juan-Jordá MJ, I Mosqueira, AB Cooper, J Freire & NK Dulvy (2011). Global population trajectories of tunas and their relatives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108:20650-20655.
141. Corgos A, C Bernárdez, P Sampedro, P Verísimo & J Freire (2011). Spatial structure of the spider crab, Maja brachydactyla population: Evidence of metapopulation structure. Journal of Sea Research 66:9-19
139. Ouréns, R, L Fernández & J Freire (2011). Geographic, population and seasonal patterns in the reproductive parameters of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Marine Biology 158:793-804
136. Verísimo P, C Bernárdez, E González-Gurriarán, J Freire, R Muiño & L Fernández (2011). Changes between consecutive broods in the fecundity of the spider crab, Maja brachydactyla. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68:472-478
121. Juan-Jordá MJ, NK Dulvy, AB Cooper, J Freire. & I Mosqueira (2010) Trends in spawning stock biomass, mean age, mean size at capture and threat status in relation to exploitation status in Atlantic scombrids. ICCAT, SCRS/2010/061, pp. 1-23.
119. Corgos A, N Sánchez & J Freire (2010). Dynamics of the small-scale spatial structure of a local population of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla (Decapoda: Majidae), Journal of Shellfish Research 29:25-36
114. Freire J (2009). Análisis Pesca: De la crisis global a las soluciones para Galicia. Anuario 2009 El Progreso (Lugo), pp. 98-107
102. González Herraiz I, MA Torres, AC Fariña, J Freire & JR Cancelo (2009). The NAO index and the long-term variability of Nephrops norvegicus population and fishery off West of Ireland. Fisheries Research 98: 1-7.
100. Freire J, S Carabel, P Verísimo, C Bernárdez & L Fernández (2009). Patterns of juvenile habitat use by the spider crab Maja brachydactyla as revealed by stable isotope analyses. Scientia Marina 73:39-49.
89. Pita P, A García-Allut & J Freire (2008). How to assign a catch value to fishing grounds when fisheries statistics are not spatially explicit. Scientia Marina 72(4): 693-69
81. Corgos A, MP Sampedro, E González-Gurriarán & J Freire (2007). Growth at moult, intermoult period and moulting seasonality of the spider crab Maja brachydactila: Combining information from mark-recapture and experimental studies. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(2):255-262
80. Corgos A & J Freire (2007). Assessment of methods to estimate abundance and population structure of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla in soft substrates. Fisheries Research 83:297–305
78. Freire J (2006). O mercado na xestión e conservación dos recursos naturais. Grial 169:42-51
76. Fariña, A.C. & J. Freire (2006). Morfometría de la cigala Nephrops norvegicus (L., 1768) de Galicia (noroeste de España). Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía 22:41-51
75. Corgos A, P Verísimo & Juan Freire (2006). Timing and seasonality of the terminal moult and mating migration in the spider crab, Maja brachydactyla: Evidence of alternative mating strategies. Journal of Shellfish Research 25:577–587.
72. Corgos A & J Freire (2006). Morphometric and gonad maturity in the spider crab Maja brahcydactyla. A comparison of methods for the estimation of the size at maturity in species with determinate growth. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63:851-859
70. Bernárdez C, E González-Gurriarán, B García-Calvo & J Freire (2005). Movements of juvenile and adult spider crab (Maja squinado) in the Ría da Coruña (NW Spain). In, Aquatic telemetry: advances and applications. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. Ustica, Italy, 9-13 June 2003. pp. 133-139. M.T. Spedicato, G. Lembo & G. Marmulla (eds.), Rome: FAO/COISPA. 2005. 295 p.
65. Freire J (2003). Xestión sostibel da pesca. ADEGA Cadernos 9. Pesca sustentabel, pp. 9-27, ed. ADEGA (Asociación para a Defensa Ecolóxica de Galiza)
62. García-Allut A, J Freire, A Barreiro & D Losada (2003). Methodology for Integration of fishers’ ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management using Knowledge Representation (Artificial Intelligence). In, Putting Fishers’s knowledge to work, H. Haggan, C. Brignall & L Wood (eds.). Fisheries Centre Research Report, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), 11(1):227-237. ISSN 1198-6727
60. Sampedro MP, E González-Gurriarán & J Freire (2003). Moult cycle and growth of Maja squinado (Decapoda: Majidae) in coastal habitats of Galicia, Northwest Spain. Journal of the marine biological Association of the UK 83:995-1005
59. Molares J & J Freire (2003). Development and perspectives for community-based management of the goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain). Fisheries Research. Fisheries Research 65:485-492.
58. Tully O, J Freire & JT Addison (eds.) (2003). Life Histories, Assessment and Management of Crustacean Fisheries. Fisheries Research 65:1-508.
57. Tully O, J Freire & JT Addison (2003). Foreword. Crustacean fisheries. Fisheries Research 65:1-2.
55. García-Allut A & J Freire (2002). Procesos de producción pesquera e incertidumbre: La comercialización de los productos pesqueros en la pesca artesanal de Galicia. En, Andar o Mar, II Xornadas Internacionais de Cultura Tradicional. Asociación Canle de Lira, pp. 151-178. ISBN: 84-607-4974-6
54. Dans, E. & J. Freire, 2002. IT as Agent of Social Change: Lonxanet and the Case of the Galician Artisanal Fisheries. En, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Information Systems, December 15-18, 2002, Barcelona, Spain. L. Applegate, R. Galliers & J.I. DeGross (eds.). Association for Information Systems, 9 pp.
52. Freire J, C Bernárdez, A Corgos, L Fernández, E González-Gurriarán, MP Sampedro & P Verísimo (2002). Management strategies for sustainable invertebrate fisheries in coastal ecosystems of Galicia (NW Spain). Aquatic Ecology 36:41-50
Publicado también en: International Conference on Sustainable Management of Coastal Ecosystems (Proceedings) (ed. P. Duarte). Ediçoes Universidade Fernando Pessoa, pp. 159-168.
51. González-Gurriarán E, J Freire & C Bernárdez (2002). Migratory patterns in the spider crab Maja squinado using electronic tags and telemetry. Journal of Crustacean Biology 22:91-97
49. Freire J (2000/2001). Pesca y ecosistemas marinos. El Ecologista 24:46-50
47. Barreiro A, D Losada, A García-Allut, J Freire (2000). Using description logics to integrate fishers’ ecological knowledge in the research of artisanal fisheries. En, U. Cortés & M. Sánchez-Marré (eds.), 2nd Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI’2000), W7 Workshop Notes, pp. 4-1 – 4-6.
46. Freire J & A García-Allut (2000). Socioeconomic and biological causes of management failures in European artisanal fisheries: the case of Galicia (NW Spain). Marine Policy 24:375-384
45. Bernárdez C, J Freire & E González-Gurriarán (2000). Feeding of the spider crab Maja squinado in rocky subtidal areas of the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, NW Spain). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 80:95-102
44. Freire, J, E González-Gurriarán & C Bernárdez (1999). Migratory patterns in the spider crab Maja squinado using telemetry and electronic tags. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Theme Session AA. Microprocessors and Things that Swim in the Ocean. Smart Tags in the Study of Marine Life, C.M. 1999/AA:14, 11 pp.
43. Freire J & A García-Allut (1999). Integration of fishers’ ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management. A proposal for the case of the artisanal coastal fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Theme Session S. Evaluation of Complete Fisheries Systems. Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses, C.M. 1999/S:07, 17 pp.
40. Sampedro MP, E González-Gurriarán, J Freire & R Muiño (1999). Morphometry and sexual maturity of the spider crab Maja squinado (Decapoda: Majidae) in Galicia, Spain. Journal of Crustacean Biology 19:578-592
39. Muiño R, L Fernández, E González-Gurriarán & J Freire (1999). Size at maturity in Liocarcinus depurator (Brachyura: Portunidae): a reproductive and morphometric study. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 79:295-303
38. Fariña, AC, J Freire & E González-Gurriarán (1999). Fecundity of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus in Galicia (NW Spain) and a review of geographical patterns. Ophelia 50:177-189
35. González-Gurriarán E, J Freire, AC Fariña & A Fernández (1998). Growth at moult and intermoult period of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus. ICES Journal of Marine Science 55:924-940
34. González-Gurriarán E, L Fernández, J Freire & R Muiño (1998). Mating and the role of seminal receptacles in the reproductive biology of the spider crab Maja squinado (Decapoda, Majidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 220:269-285
32. Sampedro MP, L Fernández, J Freire & E González-Gurriarán (1997). Fecundity and reproductive output of Pisidia longicornis (Decapoda: Anomura) in the Ría de Arousa (NW Spain). Crustaceana, 70:95-110
29. González-Gurriarán E, L Fernández, J Freire & R Muiño (1996). Reproductive biology of the spider crab Maja squinado (Decapoda, Majidae) based on the analysis of seminal receptacles. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Shellfish Committee, C.M. 1996/K:29, 17 pp.
24. González-Gurriarán E, J Freire, J Parapar, MP Sampedro & M Urcera (1995). Growth at moult and moulting seasonality of the spider crab Maja squinado (Decapoda: Majidae) in experimental conditions: implications for juvenile life history. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 189:183-203
21. González-Gurriarán E & J Freire (1994). Habitat, movements and migration of the spider crab Maja squinado in the Ría de Arousa (NW Spain). Preliminary data using ultrasonic telemetry. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Shellfish Committee, C.M. 1994/K:30, 12 pp.
20. González-Gurriarán E & J Freire (1994). Movement patterns and habitat utilization in the spider crab Maja squinado (Herbst) (Decapoda, Majidae) measured by ultrasonic telemetry. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 184:269-291
19. González-Gurriarán E & J Freire (1994). Sexual maturity in the velvet swimming crab Necora puber (Brachyura, Portunidae): Morphometric and reproductive analyses. ICES Journal of Marine Science 51:133-145
18. Fariña AC, J Freire & E González-Gurriarán (1994). Nephrops norvegicus in the Galician continental shelf (NW Spain): Abundance and distribution. Fisheries Research 19:333-347
17. González-Gurriarán E, L Fernández, J Freire, R Muiño & J Parapar (1993). Reproduction of the spider crab Maja squinado (Brachyura: Majidae) in the southern Galician coast (NW Spain). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Shellfish Committee, C.M. 1993/K:19, 15 pp.
12. Freire J & E González-Gurriarán (1992). Functional maturity in the velvet swimming crab Necora puber: A morphometric analysis. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Shellfish Committee, C.M. 1992/K:47, 22 pp.
6. Freire J, R Muiño, L Fernández & E González-Gurriarán (1991). Life cycle of Liocarcinus arcuatus (Brachyura: Portunidae) in the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, NW Spain): Role of beach and mussel raft culture areas. P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology 12:193-210
4. Fernández L, E González-Gurriarán & J Freire (1991). Population biology of Liocarcinus depurator (Brachyura: Portunidae) in mussel raft culture areas in the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, NW Spain). Journal of the marine biological Association of United Kingdom 71:375-390